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Correct gardening methods in simple steps for beginners

Following the correct planting methods helps gain excellent experience in agriculture, whether you want to enjoy caring for and growing plants as a hobby or rely on it to earn money. Learn about them now in this guide from Plant Kindle for successful planting even if you are a beginner.

What are the correct planting methods?

If you want to succeed in the planting process, you should follow the correct planting methods from Plant Kindle, which are as follows:

Choosing the right container for seeds

The first step is to choose a clean and suitable container for seeds, with a depth of 6 to 8 cm at most, to allow the roots to extend comfortably and include small holes at the bottom to drain excess water to prevent soil flooding.

Seed-specific containers are used for germination, and later, they can be transferred to the ground or larger pots if desired. You can use larger pots or containers if you want the plant to reach its final shape, which will eliminate the need to transfer seedlings.

You can get excellent fabric pots for planting ranging from 1 gallon to 40 gallons from our store Plant Kindle

Choosing high-quality soil

One of the essential steps in correct planting methods is selecting high-quality, clean soil free from small stones or weeds to avoid attracting harmful insects and diseases. The soil should be a mix of clay and sandy soil without adding any type of fertilizer.

To successfully germinate seeds, you need soil that contains all the elements and components the seeds need for proper nourishment and growth. One of the best types of soil that provides this is potting soil.

Knowing the type of seeds

Seeds vary from one type to another; some are small, delicate, and grow quickly, usually taking one to two weeks to sprout, while others have a hard shell (coat) and take up to a month to grow.

You can reduce the germination time of seeds with a hard coat by methods such as soaking the seeds in warm water for 18 to 24 hours, removing the hard coat, or breaking a part of the shell. Choose the appropriate method while ensuring the seed embryo is not scratched to avoid damaging the seeds.

Planting seeds correctly

The rule for using the best planting methods for most types of seeds is to cover them with soil equal to two to three times their thickness. However, you should read the specific instructions for each seed type to ensure the correct planting method and spacing.

Watering seeds

You can use a dedicated tool for watering seeds during the fifth step of the best planting methods. It should include a sprayer to water the soil surface gently with mist. Avoid using a strong flow of water as it may disturb the seeds or damage the seedlings.

Maintaining soil moisture

An essential step to achieve correct planting is to maintain soil moisture while ensuring proper ventilation and avoiding over-watering, which can lead to pests and soil fungi.

When using a cover to maintain soil moisture, ensure it is elevated above the surface to allow seedling growth. You can remove it once you see the seedlings starting to appear.

Providing suitable soil temperature

For seeds to germinate correctly, the soil must be warm, as most seeds begin to sprout at around 24°C. Once the seedlings appear, maintain an environment with a moderate temperature, not lower than 15°C and not higher than 30°C, while continuing to use warm soil.

Providing adequate light for seedlings

To use correct planting methods, you need to provide adequate light to the seedlings after germination. Neglecting this step will result in unhealthy growth with seedlings stretching unnaturally in search of light.

Ensure gradual exposure to light by using indirect light, such as placing them near a window to avoid drying out and then damage. Once the plant’s true leaves appear, you can provide direct sunlight.

To ensure all seedlings receive adequate light, distribute the light evenly around the container. The light exposure should range from 12 to 15 hours per day. If using LED lights, keep them more than 30 cm away from the tops of the seedlings, while fluorescent lights should be 8 to 12 cm away.

Hardening seedlings

When you follow the steps of the best planting methods, the seeds will complete their growth, and the plant’s true leaves will appear. At this point, you should acclimate them to outdoor conditions gradually to prevent shock and damage.

You can place the seedlings in a shaded area for a suitable number of hours a day, avoiding direct sunlight or drafts until they become accustomed to the outside environment. This process is called “hardening off.”

Transplanting seedlings

After following all the steps of the best planting methods and ensuring that the seedlings are acclimated to the outdoor environment and have been planted in a small container for germination, you should transfer them gently to the ground or suitable pots, depending on the plant type, to allow their roots to spread and grow comfortably.

We recommend purchasing a round pot with a diameter of 70 cm, a height of 51 cm, and a capacity of 115 liters in brown color from our store for transplanting seedlings to grow healthily and comfortably. It is distinguished by its large size, ideal price, and high quality.

Important considerations for planting

There are several important factors to consider when following correct planting methods to ensure success and high-quality crops, as follows:

  • Patience with plant growth: You need to be patient with plant growth, as they grow slowly in the first year after planting. However, in the second, third years, and beyond, their growth will be faster compared to the first year.
  • Choosing the right time for planting: Plants can be planted at any time of the year, but there are better times for planting. The best time is determined based on the four seasons and climatic conditions. You can find out the planting times in the Gulf region in general through this link Planting Dates.
  • Using agricultural pesticides correctly: Using agricultural pesticides properly helps eliminate all types of insects that cause damage and diseases to plants. It also protects the plants and prevents slow growth or damage.

In conclusion, our special article has highlighted correct planting methods with useful and easy steps, along with tips to ensure successful planting and high-quality crops. Additionally, you can purchase the necessary products to implement planting steps correctly from our store.

To buy more products and view available offers, you can visit our store at Plant Kindle.

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