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How do we choose the appropriate pot size for planting?

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

How to Choose the Right Size for Fabric Pots?

First: We must determine the plants we want to grow in the pots.

If you are planting trees, you should know that the larger the pot size, the larger the root system, which in turn affects the vegetative growth and fruiting.

The best size for trees like figs and mulberries is size 15 and above.

However, if you want to plant vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, etc., choose the pot size according to these conditions:

Read the information on the seed packet to know the plant spacing between each seedling and how much space it will take in the pot. Based on that, determine the appropriate pot size.

For example: The spacing between radishes is 5 cm. When choosing a pot size of 7, we can plant about 7 radishes (depending on the type of radish).

To make it easier for you, we will soon upload a page with most vegetables and their appropriate pot sizes. Until the design is complete, use this information:

  • Size 7: For leafy vegetables like lettuce, etc.
  • Size 10: For small vegetables like peppers, etc.
  • Size 15: For squashes and potatoes
  • Size 20: For tomatoes, watermelons, and melons
  • Size 25: For some trees like figs and mulberries
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