رعاية شجرة التين

Fig tree care

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Fig Tree Cultivation

Figs are a popular fruit eaten fresh or dried. They are planted as seedlings or cuttings and grow well in the southern and western United States, as well as the Mediterranean region and North African areas where the climate is moderate and dry. Figs require hot weather and plenty of sunlight for the trees to grow large, so fig trees need a lot of space to thrive.

Can we grow fig trees in fabric pots?

Yes, we can grow them successfully.

What is the suitable size for planting them?

The larger the pot capacity, the better the fig roots will grow, which in turn reflects on the growth and fruiting of the tree. Therefore, we can plant them in a size of 15 and above.

What is the best soil for growing figs?

Any light, well-draining soil that retains water and nutrients (such as potting soil mixed with sand).

Where can I buy fig seedlings?

Fig seedlings should be purchased from reputable nurseries. Figs have a close relationship with nematodes, so it is important to inspect the soil surface and roots to ensure they are free of nematodes to guarantee their safety.

Are fig roots shallow or deep?

Fig roots are generally shallow, but there are some deeper roots to stabilize the seedlings. However, the shallow roots are the ones that provide the tree with water and nutrients.

What are the methods of fertilizing figs?

Dear farmer, you can fertilize figs at the beginning of their growth with fish fertilizer because it contains a high percentage of nitrogen, which in turn helps vegetative growth. Alternatively, you can fertilize during the cold months with sterilized and heat-treated animal fertilizer to ensure it is free of diseases and pests.

Fertilization should be done at least 20 cm away from the trunk. Adding beneficial bacteria or worms is an excellent option to help break down the fertilizers, God willing.

How much water do fig trees need?

Generally, watering should be moderate and abundant but in moderation (not flooding). It is preferable to water figs with fresh water. Slight salinity is acceptable, but it is best not to exceed 1000 ppm. If it exceeds 1000 ppm, there will be a problem with nutrient formation, and the seedling may struggle to resist, potentially leading to the loss of seedlings.

What is scale disease?

Scale disease is one of the diseases that affect the fig trunk. Scales are insects with a whitish color. To solve the problem, we get rid of them using pesticides or water and soap with scrubbing.

What are good varieties of figs? How can we identify good types of figs?

  • Brown Turkey
  • Yellow Spanish
  • Jassim Fig
  • The best types of figs are those that have a fruit with each leaf.

Is removing the lower leaves important for figs?

Yes, removing the lower leaves is necessary to ventilate the tree to avoid fungal diseases.

What is the solution to the problem of ants on fig trees?

Some people use tape (adhesive tape) and apply a waxy substance on it to prevent ants from climbing the tree.

What factors help in achieving abundant production?

  • Choosing good varieties
  • Regular and sufficient fertilization
  • Proper pruning
  • Exposure to plenty of sunlight, at least 6 hours daily
  • Tree age also affects production

Note: Fig production usually weakens in the cold months.

What are the methods of fig tree training?

There are two methods of training fig trees:

  • First method: Training figs on a single stem, which is best for small spaces. In the first season, we prune the fig to produce 3 branches. In the next season, we prune the 3 branches to produce 3 branches each, making a total of 9 branches.
  • Second method: Pruning figs from a low height from the soil to produce 3 branches, but very close to the soil to form multiple branches. Each branch becomes like a tree, which is better as it produces much more but requires large spaces.

Is washing fig trees important?

Yes, figs are known to collect dust from the air, which attracts insects like spiders that cause the fruit not to ripen fully.

What causes some leaves to curl at the growing tips?

The cause could be nematodes, so the soil and roots should be thoroughly inspected.

Information taken from the farmer's account: @brihma

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